Background of Negotiations between Mohawk Council of Kanesatake and Canada

The presentation linked below contains the background on negotiations between the Mohawk Council of Kanesatake and Canada from 1991 onwards. The presentation includes,

  • 1991-2007: History of the purchase of 3rd party interest to add to the Kanesatake interim land base
  • 1994-1995: Management of properties by Canada with Mohawks advisor selected by MCK
  • 1999: Property management agreement
  • 2001: Amended property management
  • The allotment process
  • The Jean-Roch Simon case
  • 2000: The Land Governance Agreement
  • 2001: The Kanesatake Interim Land Base Governance act (S24)


Digitalized information on framework (KILGA)

A digital copy of the Land Governance Act between the Mohawk Council of Kanesatake and Canada.

The document is very large, if you would like to search for a specific option open the file in your default PDF viewer and use “ctrl + f” to open the find tool and use it to search the document. We apologize that some pages in the document are slanted, we are looking into correcting this as soon as possible.

Digitized documents which led to the land governance act

Justice Canada - Land Governance Act

An Act to implement an agreement between the Mohawks of Kanesatake and Her Majesty in right of Canada respecting governance of certain lands by the Mohawks of Kanesatake and to amend an Act in consequence.

Lands Committee

Here are some guiding rules and references for the new Lands Committee, please download these files and read them as soon as possible.


Terms of Reference

See you all at the next meeting.