Hello Everyone;

Membership Update:

The next membership intake will be Thursday, October 13th 2022.  Please call Amanda Simon or Paige O’Brien to secure your appointment.  Ensure you have two passport sized photos and your drivers license with you at the time of your appointment.  In the absence of a drivers license bring an invoice/bill which confirms your mailing address and your medical card.

Lands,  Estates Update:

The Lands, Estates and Membership office remains under renovations, therefore Amanda and Paige are working from home.   We will open the office for membership intake, however will limit appointments for last wills and testaments until further notice.  Please call for inquiries and appointments, and we will do our best to offer you the services you need.  The band office employees remain on a work from home order from Human Resources therefore the Band Office doors are often locked. 

My office does not accept walk-ins, only clients with an appointment will be served.

Paige O’Brien  Obrien.paige@kanesatake.ca    514-756-2265

Amanda Simon

Certified Lands, Estates & Membership Manager

Gestionnaire Agree en Gestion des terres, Successions et Droit d’appartenance a une Bande

