I encourage all Kanehsata’kehro:non to make any and all inquiries to the Lands and Estates office this blog. Your questions and concerns are welcome and I will answer within 48 hours of a post. As of today the Land and Estates service page has had over 400 unique visitors. Thank you for your interest and I encourage more visitors to come and see the information we have available.
Amanda does Indian affaires probate all wills even for people living off the Rez .
I am not sure how wills apply to such people .
My e nail is all lower case
Good morning Robert, Firstly, allow for me to apologize for taking so long to respond to your inquiry. Indigenous Services Canada will probate a will if the deceased was a usual resident of the First Nation. ISC will not probate the will of a person living off of the territory. I invite you to join us for an estates session Wednesday, March 27th 2019 for three information sessions: morning: 8:30 to 11:30; Afternoon: 1:00 to 4:00 and evening session: 5:00 to 8:00 Thank you for your interest and know that in future my responses will be made in a more timely fashion. Best Regards, Amanda Simon