Hello Everyone ! Happy New Year ! I would like to apologize for not continuing my land committee meetings after August 2018. Certain issues required for these sessions to cease until further notice. I am pleased to announce that the Lands and Estates Department is working with a student Paige O’Brien who will be training in the Department who may commit to becoming a Certified Lands Manager in the near future. Welcome to Paige!
The Lands and Estates Department would like to kick off the new year with an information session at the end of March 2019. (Date and location to be determined)
I would like to know what theme of information session the community would be interested in? Here are the possible themes available: Land Regimes, Estates, Matrimonial Real Property, etc. PLEASE SEND US A MESSAGE IN THE BLOG OR VIA EMAIL TO LET US KNOW WHAT YOUR INTEREST IS.
Please note that I have a direct line at the Council which is: 450-479-7011
Please submit your suggestions for a theme of information session no later that February 28th 2019.