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Job Postings 2020-06-04 Thursday
French Version only. Please use google translate or other translation tools for english.Below is a post from IDDPNQL (Institut de développement durable des Premières Nations du Québec et du Labrador)Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que deux postes sont...
Job Opportunity: Teacher (English Language and Social Studies)
Kanesatake Health Center Job Opportunities
Job Opportunity: Building Custodian
Workshop opportunity: Certification ASP 30
Job Opportunities: Community Direction Seeking Team (Members & Manager)
Job Opportunity: Labourer – Mohawk Council of Kanesatake
Job Opportunity: Communications Officer – Mohawk Coucil of Kanesatake
Job Opportunity: Educator – Tsi Ronstwa’ta:khwa Early Childhood Center
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