The lands, Estates, and Membership Office of the Mohawk Council of kanehsatake have 3 new portfolio chiefs for their department:  Chief Valerie Bonspille, Chief Denise David (1st), and Chief Brant Etienne.  Welcome to Lands, Estates and Memberhsip!


Please be advised that the Lands, Estates and Membership office are open at the Mohawk Council of Kanehsatake on the following days only:  Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s and Thursday’s.  Monday’s and Friday’s are work from Home days.  Therefore, appointments will be taken for days when we are at the MCK only.


It is imperative that you call Amanda Simon or Paige O’Brien to secure an appointment for all your needs such as land transfers, residency letters, estates issues and planning and band card renewals or inquiries.  NO WALK-INS WILL BE ACCEPTED.


Thank you for your attention to this notice.


Amanda Simon

Certified Lands, Estates & Membership Manager

Gestionnaire Agree en Gestion des terres, Successions et Droit d’appartenance a une Bande


Direct Line. 450-479-7011

Cell. 514-220-2331


Paige O’Brien

Lands & Estates Training Assistant

Mohawk Council of Kanehsatake


Direct line. 450-479-8364

Cell. 514-756-2265